Data and Analytics

How to Increase Marketing Impact Using AI-Powered Insights featuring BrandOps [Webinar Replay]

Alex Rosen
Duration: 58 minutes
Webinar Recorded: May 2023
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To set the best marketing strategy, you need a full view of your funnel that considers competitors and best practices. It's hard to get. Teams usually piece together reports from several tools, hunt down competitor activity, and try to make sense of it all.

The BrandOps platform uses AI to automatically gather and analyze thousands of marketing signals. It reveals which messages resonate with your audience, which channels matter, and the highest impact strategy in your category.

See AI in action at our webinar as Alex Rosen, Chief Customer Officer at BrandOps, shares a look inside their platform, which uses AI to create a complete view of performance.

You’ll leave understanding:

- How AI can deliver full-funnel visibility, improve competitive analysis, and streamline reporting.
- Why AI-powered analytics can better inform decisions, align teams on goals, and track progress automatically.
- Where AI is baked into BrandOps and how AI massively simplifies complex analysis.
- How BrandOps will make generative AI less repetitive, stop hallucinating, and more connected to market context.

Marketing AI has focused so much on generative AI and content, but there are tools created for analytics and strategy. Have your marketing work better for you by knowing exactly how your content and digital channels are performing relative to competitors and benchmarks.

Note: This webinar was originally recorded live as part of Marketing AI Institute's monthly webinar program.
Meet Your Instructor

Alex Rosen

Alex Rosen is the Chief Customer Officer at BrandOps, helping marketers grow their brands with the BrandOps platform, gathering signals from digital channels and using AI/ML to create the most complete and actionable picture of brand performance. Rosen has a passion for applying emerging technology to business problems.

Chief Customer Officer, BrandOps
Meet Your Instructor

Cathy McPhillips

Cathy McPhillips is Chief Growth Officer at the Marketing AI Institute, overseeing marketing, growth, and customer experience, including MAICON and AI Academy for Marketers. Previously, Cathy led marketing at Content Marketing Institute and Content Marketing World, managed community growth for Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign, and owned her own strategic digital marketing business focused on restaurants and the service sector. She started her career at two Cleveland advertising agencies. Cathy was an Ohio University Jerry L. Sloan Visiting Professional in Public Relations, is a Folio: Top Women in Media, and a MarTechExec Woman You Need to Know in Martech.

Chief Growth Officer, Marketing AI Institute