Business Strategy

AI in Marketing, a To-Do List [Short Course]

Jim Sterne
Course Duration: 43 minutes
Course Released: June 2020
Level: Beginner
Lifetime access with membership
Marketing professionals and digital analysts of all stripes need a destination, a map and expert navigation to help acclimatize themselves to artificial intelligence.

In this presentation, Jim Sterne, author of Artificial Intelligence for Marketing, will provide a checklist for getting started with AI and machine learning.

Learn about today’s branding necessities, new tools and new rules, the augmented marketer, staying relevant, and tomorrow’s ecommerce conundrum. See what the world of marketing looks like when everything is a screen, all your data has been traded away for a pittance, and marketers have new tools with which to make age-old mistakes.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Course!

    • A Message From Your Instructor

  • 2

    The Course

    • Lesson 1: Choose Your Role

    • Lesson 2: Choose Your Tools

    • Lesson 3: Know Your Data

    • Lesson 4: Be the Augmented Marketer

    • Lesson 5: Brand as Never Before

    • Lesson 6: Invest M2M Marketing

    • Lesson 7: You Will Always Be Needed

    • Test Your Learning

  • 3

    Next Steps...

    • Closing Notes From Your Instructor

    • More Resources For You

    • Before You Go...

Meet Your Instructor

Jim Sterne

Jim Sterne sold business computers to companies that had never owned one in the 1980s, consulted and keynoted about online marketing in the 1990s, founded the Marketing Analytics Summit in 2002 and co-founded the Digital Analytics Association in 2004. His twelfth book is "Artificial Intelligence for Marketing: Practical Applications". He is now advising companies on analytics strategy planning at Data Driven Leaders Studio, as well as teaching the ins and outs of AI and ML to marketers.

President, Target Marketing of Santa Barbara