Business Strategy

Driving Revenue Through AI Partner Programs [AI for Agencies Summit 23]

Mike Kaput
Course Duration: 34 minutes
Released: November 2023
Level: Beginner
AI is going to disrupt a significant number of agencies in the coming year. To adapt, agencies will need to build next-generation services and capabilities around the latest in AI technology. But figuring out which tools and partners to bet on in a rapidly shifting AI landscape isn’t easy.

This talk is here to help. In it, Mike Kaput, Chief Content Officer at Marketing AI Institute, will outline a list of tools and partner programs that agency leaders should know about—ones that offer valuable, lasting capabilities you can use to build a sustainable competitive advantage with AI.

You’ll come away from the talk with a better understanding of how to build next-generation agency capabilities and services, including:

* Clarity on which factors to consider when betting on AI tools and partners
* Guidance on which AI tools to bet on and incorporate into services or operations
* Recommendations on which AI vendor partner programs are worth exploring further

This Course is a recording of a session at the AI for Agencies Summit, which was held Nov. 2023.
Meet Your Instructor

Mike Kaput

Mike Kaput is the Chief Content Officer at Marketing AI Institute. Kaput uses content marketing, marketing strategy, and marketing technology to grow and scale traffic, leads, and revenue for Marketing AI Institute. An avid writer, Kaput has published hundreds of articles on how to use AI in marketing to increase revenue and reduce costs. Kaput is the co-author of "Marketing Artificial Intelligence: AI, Marketing and the Future of Business" (Matt Holt Books, 2022).

Chief Content Officer, Marketing AI Institute