MAICON Archives

How to Build a Global Customer Experience with AI featuring Lilt [Webinar Replay]

Allison Yarborough
Duration: 51 minutes
Webinar Released: August 2021
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Transform your content into global customer experiences with AI.

Join the Lilt team to learn how today’s most innovative marketing teams are leveraging advancements in machine translation and AI to turn their content into not only global customer experiences, but those experiences at scale.

Note: This webinar was originally recorded live as part of the MAICON: AI in Action series.
Meet Your Instructor

Allison Yarborough

Allison Yarborough leads Product Marketing at Lilt, the modern language service provider building global customer experiences. Prior to Lilt, Yarborough helped companies from Fortune 500 to startup on marketing and go-to-market initiatives surrounding voice of customer, new market entry, product differentiation, brand strategy, and global growth. Yarborough received her MBA from the Darden School of Business and her undergraduate degree from Duke University.

Head of Product Marketing, Lilt