Business Strategy

Whose Job Does AI Automate? [MAICON 23]

Cassie Kozyrkov
Course Duration: 52 minutes
Released: July 2023
Level: Beginner
To automate a task reliably, it’s necessary to understand the solution first... or is it? Does AI free us to create groundbreaking solutions or are such notions mere hype? What does it mean to automate beyond human expression? What are the opportunities and dangers involved? Which jobs is AI designed to automate, and will those careers disappear? How does data fit into the story, and where does AI bias come from?

In this session, Google chief decision scientist Cassie Kozyrkov talks about how to navigate new technological frontiers in order to approach AI safely and responsibly for a brighter future.

This Course is a recording of one of the main stage talks at the Marketing Artificial Intelligence Conference (MAICON), which was held in July 2023.
Meet Your Instructor

Cassie Kozyrkov

Cassie Kozyrkov founded the field of Decision Intelligence at Google where she serves as Chief Decision Scientist, advising leadership on decision process, AI strategy, and building data-driven organizations. In almost 10 years at the company, Kozyrkov has personally trained more than 20,000 Googlers in data-driven decision-making and AI and has helped over 500 projects implement decision intelligence best practices. Before her current role, she served in Google's Office of the CTO as Chief Data Scientist. The rest of her 20 years of experience was split between consulting, data science, lecturing, and academia. Kozyrkov holds degrees in mathematical statistics, economics, psychology and neuroscience. She has been honored as a LinkedIn Top Voice for three years and as a #1 Artificial Intelligence writer on Medium for five years.

Chief Decision Scientist, Google